Balaji Biogas System PDF

Installation of Balaji Biogas System and its Application with Purification and Bottling Biogas Unit

At present our country is facing various problems which become more serious in next coming years. Demand of petroleum products is increasing, India has spending a big budget for importing these products and on the other hand our country faces serious problems like environmental pollution, disturbance in weather & global warming. India is an agriculture-based country and there is abundant availability of resources but these are not properly used and commercialized. In spite of all the developments and technologies are available yet the rural people facing the shortage of energy. The prime challenge for the country is to provide the minimum energy services to allow the rural people to achieve decent standard of living. The biogas plant is a boon to the Indian farmers. The two main products of the biogas plants are enriched compost manure and methane where as compost manure helps to meet the fertilizer requirements of the farmers in a more economical and efficient manner and boost agricultural production. Biogas is used for cooking and lighting purposes and in larger plants , as motive power for driving small engines.Indian government have installed gobar gas plants, which are approximately 12,00,000small, 3,40,000 medium, and 4,000 big gobar gas plant. If 20,00 gobar gas plants of 120 M3 hasbeen installed then approximately 6842 Lakh Rs. of diesel/petrol can save, but this project isfailed in few years no body have think that why this project is failed.Few years back KVIC & other agencies related to installation of bio gas plant installedtwo types of Biogas plant one was fixed dome and second was floating dome. Fixed domedigester was covered by concrete gas holder while floating dome digester was made up of metal(iron) sheet gas holder. Fixed dome digesters require one month for installation. After sometimes these types of digesters faced problem of scum deposition on upper surface which can notremoved easily, ultimately biogas production effected. In these plants high maintenance costwas required for removing scum. On the other hand floating gas holder (metal sheet) wascorroded due to contact with water and hydrogen sulfide. Second problem was that at the timefeeding few amounts of mud particles was present with feed, gradually this mud deposited in thelower surface of digester. Due to these problems digestion and gas formation is effected.Following problems keeping in mind we designed a low cost, easy and quick to install, durable,easy to maintain and anti corrosive type of biogas plant.

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