Sloppy kisses, groping hugs and a huge THANK YOU!

Feeling pretty darn chuffed at St. Murphy today.

Yesterday we clocked over 20,000 pageviews here since the first post mid-Jan. Back then if you had of told me that this could happen I literally would have laughed in your face.

I am so blown away. I know in the grand scheme of blogging this isn’t big news at all, so many brilliant bloggers have mountains and mountains more readers than this obviously. I’m just so stoked that people have found it and shown some interest in these early days, it means a helluva lot to me. Makes me very happy. I can not thank you enough for taking a peak into my strange little world.

I started doing this cause I was so inspired by my friends who blogged (yes that’s you Mrs Woog and JoThornely) and I wanted to have a bit of a creative outlet outside of work. And also because weird shit tends to happen in my life and I love the idea of having a record of it. I have an absolute ball writing these pages. Before St. Murphy I never knew or understood how much I loved to write.

This blog has also become a bit of an emotional outlet for me. I probably share more here than I do with the important people in my life one-on-one. Its good to be able to hide behind this page a bit while still being able to say how I feel. This blog has come to mean much more to me than I ever expected it would.

Thanks so much for taking a look, commenting, tweeting, and all that jazz. I hope you keep coming back. Mrs Woog always says to me “just write for yourself” which I’m slowly getting the hang of. I know I've still got my training wheels on. But it’s also real nice to know that some like to read it.

Big hugs and kisses to all today, in the words of Jeff Fenech “I luv youse all!”

And Happy Easter!

St. Murphy

P.S Next post will be coming to you live from hometown Griffith, and who the hell knows what this town will throw at me to write about in the next 24hours. 
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