Biogas plants for Chicken Farms

PROJECTS: Biogas plants for  Chicken Farms 

Project objective
o   Savings in energy; economies in energy. Additional proceeds by selling ecological electricity, ecological thermal energy and biogas fertilizer.
o   Less depended from public energy supply
o   Waste management, energy recovery from waste management measures which contribute to the avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions, especially through energy recovery from waste, if possible with waste heat utilisation;

Project background 
The dung arising at the chicken should be utilized energetic by use of biogas plants and reduce emissions which are harmful to the climate.

The preconditions for the planned biogas plants are approved as follows:

  • Accessibility to biomass (manure and other organic waste)
  • Possibilities of financing
·         Readiness of the local authorities to support the project
·         Market for the produced energy (electricity and heat) by the biogas plant

Technical description
By construction of biogas plants in situ the organic waste (chicken dung and – waste from the food industry) by anaerobe waste treatment is reduced to the point of danger, that the fermented slurry can used in environmentally friendly way as high quality liquid fertilizer for agricultural areas. The fermenting  of chicken dung and – waste from the food industry to total capacity of altogether 5,3 MWel.
The produced energy, in the firm of electricity and heat, is getting used at the existing chicken coops or rather the surplus current is delivered to a local power supplier.

Greenhouse gases
Greenhouse gases to be reduced by the project - CO2 and CH4     

Project Boundary

The project concerns itself with using of organic waste and until now not taken advantage of economical fertilizer (chicken faeces), which collecting, processing and energetic use of waste and faeces into ecological current and ecological heat. A further point, which is important, is the processing of waste and faeces into high quality fertilizer and its proper storage in the firm (laguna).

Environmental effects
1.         At the chicken farm
The chicken faeces are collected properly, diluted, fermented and temporary stored environmentally suitable as high quality fertilizer. The emission of greenhouse gases (CH4) is reduced considerable. The nuisance is reduced considerable.
2.         Plant cultivation
Towards untreated chicken faeces, the slurry of biogas has big advantages:
This slurry has a less corrosive effect, a better potency in flowing, less losses of ammonia, less nitrate erosion. Biogas slurry is very suitable to improve the soil quality.
3.         Environmental effect
The extracted energy and the biogas fertilizer can replace fossil produced fuels and chemical fertilizer. Further, the plant reduces methane emissions from the waste, therefore considerable amounts of greenhouse gases can be cut down. The improving of soil quality and the reduction of nitrate erosion protects the ground water.

Economic - Socio and development aspects
                  of the project   
The strived project should involve a multitude of positive, social and economical effects. Win-win-situation is the aim. The environment, the farm, the people in the region and all the others involved should profit from it:

1.         Financial aspect
By this biogas plant, the firm saves energy cost. Additional Proceeds by selling ecological electricity, ecological thermal energy and biogas fertilizer are possible. The laborious disposal of organic waste turns into practical refinement.
2.         Reliability
This biogas plant can cover the thermal requirement and a big part of the required electrical energy. There upon the firm is less depended from public energy supply. During rising prices of energy or a present short in supply, the firm is more able to maintain the production. The eco-friendly way of managing, the firm can economize sustainable with healthy soils and clear water.
3.         Image of the firm
The modern, economical and ecological practical way should raise the image and the reputation of the farm in the whole region.
4.         Lastingness and change one’s ideas
By independence in supplying energy and the positive ecological and economical effects the sustained agriculture should made apparent. The plant should have an example with character and the agriculture should make more attractive for the next generations.

Sustainability Effects
The biogas plant is a symbol for sustained managing. Economical fertilizer and plant rests become fermented and used in energetic. Following brought out in the fields as a high quality fertilizer. Finally, the substances walk again through the animal’s stomach, the coop and end at the biogas plant. It is closing the cycle, which is accessible for human, and environment.


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