Fermentation slurry as fertilizer

Fermentation slurry as fertilizer

During the digestion process, gaseous nitrogen (N) is converted to ammonia (NH3). In this water-soluble form the nitrogen is available to the plants as a nutrient. A particularly nutrient-rich fertilizer is obtained if not only dung but also urine is digested.
Compared with solid sludge from fermented straw and grass, the liquid slurry is rich in nitrogen and potassium. The solid fermentation sludge, on the other hand, is relatively richer in phosphorus. A mixture of solid and liquid fermented material gives the best yields. The nutrient ratio is then approximately N:P2O5:K2O= 1:0.5:1. A fermented slurry with a lower C/N ratio has better fertilizing characteristics. Compared with fresh manure, increases in yield of 5 - 15 % are possible. Particularly good harvests are obtained from the combined use of compost and fermentation slurry.
The fertilization effect depends on the type of crop and on the soil. Information given in specialized literature is seldom applicable directly. Tests of one's own are always better. Reliable information is possible only after three to five years.
When fermentation slurry is used as fertilizer for years, the soil structure is improved. The proportion of organic materials in the soil is increased, enabling the soil to store more water.
If fermentation slurry is to be stored before spreading on the field, it should be covered with earth in layers. This reduces evaporative nitrogen losses even further. 




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