Tony Abbott: why I can't be part of the bashing!

I despise Tony Abbott. He is without a doubt a personifaction of all that shits me about society. I am often overcome with sickness when I hear him speak. On Election night this year I almost vomited when the tally-room first suggested he could be PM. Thank god commonsense prevailed and he is still in Opposition. Just laying some groundwork here as what I am about to say makes me despise myself.

I genuinely believe his “shit happens” comment was completely in the moment and that the footage clearly shows it was contextual. When I watch the footage it just does not jump out at me as offensive in any way. They are standing in a warzone talking about death, they are somber, serious, intense. It does not have the flippancy needed for such a phrase to be offensive.

What the dickhead should be hung and quartered for, and dethroned immediately, is his utter stupidity in dealing with the media and his complete inability to contain his emotions. Both are crucial skills for anyone hoping to be PM.  The interview in question screams uneducated Neanderthal to me. So while I am quietly squealing with glee that Abbott is in serious trouble, I just wish it was for a mistake that I felt warranted it. 

Shit has happened.

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