Just learnt something new about myself...

I can talk for 45 minutes without pausing for breath. Not even a pause for a sip of water...

Give me a microphone and I'll talk your ass off.

I put far, far too much into this presentation, had to drop big chunks on the run as the moderator kept winding me up - I felt like Julia Roberst during her Oscars speech.

I just kept right on talking through the allocated Q&A time, dear oh dear.

Poor audience! I'm nervous about waiting around for the break, they might attack.

Lesson learnt... when preparing a presentation write it then halve it. I vaguely remember from Uni learning that newsreaders speak at three words per second and I've always worked off this ratio. I must have heard wrong! Next time I'm cutting it back to 2 words, possibly 1.

So relieved its over, so relieved. And I'll know for next time too much is too much, less is more.
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