Hotels are Hot!!!!

I have an unnatural love of hotel rooms! Its very similar to my love of airports. Any form of travel gets me all hot and bothered. It may be for work, and it may only be a short stay, but if I have a hotel room to go home too I'm always happy. Life is so much easier in a hotel room. I assess them on their potential for me to live in them permanently. The one I am in at the moment has all my favourite hotel things. It is difficult to contain my joy. On my livability scale I give this one an 8.5.

Let start from the top and work our way down...

Not just one menu, but TWO. Heaven. I could be staying on the best restaurant strip in the world and I will still order Room Service. Its the laziest thing in the world and I love it.


Yes, I will quite often steal them. I'm only human. And if they are really good I'll steal them everyday and eventually leave with a bag full. My hair is never shinier or bouncier than when I am staying at a hotel.


You know I love to look at them but as soon as I go to bed I throw all of them on the floor except for one. For the love of god who really needs 5 pillows on their bed? I DO - when I am in a hotel room.


No explanation required. Its always so much better than your pantry at home. Please note the half eaten organic gluten free salt & vinegar chips.


Normally not in my Top 5 but after travelling from Sydney to Melbourne yesterday there was nothing more important. And as we don't have air-conditioning at home this is a real treat. I hover between 19 and 23 degrees, depending on the system.


Again, this one is about making up for what we don't have at home. Back in Redfern we don't have a mirror that can show you below your navel. So big mirrors like this means you can practice your catwalk modelling and Britney dance routines.


So Hugh Heffner! If I only I could smoke a cigar while I lounge around in them. It doesn't even need to be the end of a long day for me to slip into something a little more comfortable... such as these.


MMmmmmmm....... We can't keep anything white at home so how the hell do hotel cleaning services do it? And what fabric softener do they use? All good hotels have soft white towels. It can make or break a room.

LOVE THEM!!! I love hotels.

And this one is The Olsen on Chapel St in Melbs, my new favourite.
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