How a New Years resolution landed us at a Silent Disco

New Years resolutions can be a great thing. Traditionally, not so good for me. Last years was a slogan… Embrace, Engage, Enjoy! Brilliant in theory, very vague in execution. This NYE we decided it will be all about trying new things. We get lazy and the couch won out far too much in 2010. “Try new things” we say to ourselves now, “Lets get out of our comfort zone”. So that’s what we are doing in 2011, we’re getting ourselves some kulcha!

To kick start this campaign Miss Cal organised us tickets to a Sydney Festival dance performance, Red Shoes. We were very excited, we both love dance. We both harbor fantasies that one day we’ll be discovered and take to the world stage. Miss Cal does a spectacular arabesque. So off we went to Seymour Centre, I even put on a shirt. Within the first five minutes we realised there was not to be so much dancing, just some middle-aged men walking around in their undies. I kid you not. After the initial shock that it wasn’t like Chicago we actually loved it. We loved it in a way you love things you know you’ll only do once… like Dreamworld.

Then last night we pushed the envelope even further. Australian Museum are doing these fabulous events on a Tuesday night called Jurassic Lounge. They involve music, dancing and drinks - some of my favourite things. They pretty much turn the Museum into a cultural cocktail party. We spoke to quite a few people, and like us, they hadn’t been to AM since either school or first moving to Sydney. What a brilliant way to re-introduce people to the place.

A boner?
With a beverage in hand we circled the wildlife photography exhibition – very impressive. We marvelled at the dinosaurs on display; you may find this strange but there were lots of bones throughout the Museum. There was an acoustic band playing in one space, dance music playing everywhere else. It had a brilliant vibe to the whole thing. I certainly paid more attention than the last time I was there in mid-90’s.

Our favourite space was the Aboriginal history section. The art was phenomenal, and we all need a sobering reminder of our chequered history. It was rather odd though that there was a big bus in the middle of it, along with a church. But hey, curators know more than I do.

Tyranny by Jake Soewardie 
The highlight of the night… the Silent Disco! I’d never heard of this before. So in the Bird, Insect and Bone section (my name for it, not AM’s) there was a DJ playing but you couldn’t hear them. What you did instead was grab some headphones from one of the lovely volunteers, pop them on and get carried away with the beat. Lots of people just dancing around with little to no sound in the room, BRILLIANT! Funny to watch, even better to experience yourself. I swear I even saw one guy trying to pick up just as if it was a nightclub. Very cool experience. Miss Cal and I now want to open a bar with the same idea – you heard it here first.

I've always loved a disco.
So two from two new experiences and we’re feeling pretty good about ourselves. Not sure what is next on the agenda but we’re up for anything. By years end we are going to be amazingly cultured and worldly, know more stuff and hopefully meet cool people along the way.

What a fabulous New Years resolution this is turning out to be. Thanks Miss Cal!

Miss Cal

If you have any suggestions as to what Miss Cal and I should do next, please drop me a line. We draw the line at nudity and karaoke.

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