Large digester, energy facility being built at Wyoming County dairy farm

This information came from CH4 Biogas

Wyoming County, NY -- A new mixed-waste anaerobic digester and renewable energy facility is being built at the 2,000-cow Synergy Dairy in the town of Covington.
CH4 Biogas, LLC is building the project. Four of the 16 digesters in New York state are located in Wyoming County.
CH4 Biogas said Synergy Biogas will be one of the largest on-farm digesters in the state — and the first independently owned and operated plant located on a dairy farm. Additionally, the Synergy facility will be the first biogas plant in New York state designed specifically for co-digestion of manure with food grade organic waste, said CH4 Biogas officials.
In addition to producing renewable energy, the facility will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the farm, divert organic wastes from landfills, reduce manure odors and provide the farm with manure handling systems to more efficiently manage nutrients and protect the environment.
CH4 will build, own and operate the biogas facility that will produce renewable energy by anaerobically digesting manure from the dairy along with food grade organic waste from food processors in the region. As anaerobic digestion unlocks the energy value in manure, it reduces odors and greenhouse gas emissions and produces a nutrient-rich end product for use as fertilizer.
Synergy Biogas will provide more than 10,000 megawatt hours per year of renewable energy to the grid (electricity to power more than 1,000 homes) and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 8,500 tons of carbon dioxide per year.

It is anticipated the Synergy Biogas Plant will begin operation in September.
CH4 Biogas is a renewable energy company that builds, finances, owns and operates biogas based renewable energy facilities on farms and at food processing plants.
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