Twitter-Date #2: the beautiful StylingYou

What do you get when you cross a Style Queen, the Queen of the Mundane and the Biggest Queen in Redfern?...

...Twitter-Date #2

Twitter-Date #1 was hot! It was with Melbourne gay royalty @SimieBoy and @Milney01 and ended in podium dancing. That got my confidence up and now I'm dead keen to meet all my Twitter favs, gonna work down the list one by one. Yesterday it was my absolute pleasure and delight to have my second Twitter-Date with Queensland’s own style queen @StylingYou.

In my very early days on Twitter late last year I was introduced to StylingYou by the formidable Mrs Woog. As is the Woog way, I think StylingYou and I were forced on each other with a “you’ll love each other”. And no one argues with the Woog. Friendship blossomed online and StylingYou has been one of the biggest supporters/encouragers for the St. Murphy blog. So it was about time we finally met.

StylingYou was in town on a glamorous beauty trip, flown in to sample some new fabulous product – she’s very influential you know. PR companies ache for the seal of approval from StylingYou. We arranged for a lunch date and of course Mrs Woog completed the circle. I was nervous and keen to impress, I had my car cleaned so their chariot didn’t smell like dog, I even clippered my nails.

StylingYou is FABULOUS! Loves her! While our lunch was far to brief due to waiting hire cars and school pick-ups, we managed to cram in a helluva lot of content in our time together. School, uni, 20’s, marriage, children – covered it all. And Blogging. While you have two of the greats at the same table you’d be a fool not to seek advice, especially if you still have your training-wheels on like I do. They are both so different but so true to themselves, that’s what I got out of lunch. And StylingYou’s phone number so she can’t escape me now. Of course Mrs Woog brought the tone right down at one point with an ‘age-defying tampon’ gag but on the whole it was a very civilised lunch. So huge thanks to Mrs Woog for the intro and StylingYou for being as fabulous in person as you are online.

Now I think there may be some reading this and getting all flustered. StylingYou being a woman must be confusing the hell out of them. The same people thought that there must be something sinister in my first Twitter-Date with the Melbourne boys. When I say ‘Twitter-Date’ I mean meeting up with someone I got to know via Twitter first. As I've talked about in my earlier posts @Simieboy and @milney1 are an insanely happy couple of 9 years. When gay men meet up it can just be as simple as wanting to make new friends. It doesn’t have to be about getting laid. Fact.

So that’s a two from two success rate and I’m already planning my third. It’s a busy couple of weeks coming up and I don’t want to peak too early so it won’t be for a while. I am saving my next Twitter-Date for the first Committee Meeting for the Big Glitter Twitter Party. On the self-appointed committee is @neilsgardiner who I fear may be a younger, more together version of myself. We've never met. He will be joining @woogsworld, @thekylieapp, @paullamond, @jothornely (plus @simieboy and @stylingyou if travel allows) and myself on the committee; some of who have met each other, most of them haven’t.

What a beautiful thing Twitter is to bring new people together like this. No wonder I live my life online. Disturbingly... Mrs Woog asked me yesterday what she should be watching on TV that night and I had literally no idea. First time that's happened in 15 years! Social media has taken over my life.

Their blogging details... StylingYou and Woogsworld 
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