Lets call it a threesome!

I am being an absolute blogging tart today! No question about it. I am the Paris Hilton of blogging.

If Charlie Sheen can have two Goddesses than so can I!
First off, I’ve got some shit goin’ down over at Woogsworld today. It all started when Mrs Woog asked me what I was doing for Mardi Gras? The answer… I am fleeing the city for the weekend. She was amazed that this was my plan considering I am a professional homosexual and she demanded I explain why. The answer is on her page today. Here is a little excerpt...

Mrs Woog was intrigued. I continued to explain that there were quite a few things about Mardi Gras that, if not at the top of your game, can leave you unsettled. “See, look at that” and I directed her attention to a poster for Fomo – a particularly glamorous foam party. I look at that and all I can think about is the practicalities. If I’m at a party in nothing but my undies and shoes where the hell do I keep my wallet, phone, keys, ciggies, lighter and ventolin? I wouldn’t be caught dead at any party without easy access to these life-essentials.”

My second flirtation today is with the gorgeous MamaMia. I’ve been all fired up and obsessed with the Charlie Sheen story this past week – I think it is GOLD! Yesterday I gave a sermon over at MamaMia on what I would do if I was Charlie’s publicist. Since this was posted Charlie has joined us on Twitter which I now think could be a career-saving move. If he keeps this up he could be a cult-hero in less than two-days. Here is a little taste of my (un)professional take on the Sheen-tastic saga…

Now it would be easy to blame Charlie for all of this but even Lindsay Lohan could see the man has issues. He needs a strong hand and guidance, followed by intensive psychological help. The question I keep asking is where is his publicist? Why is someone not shutting this story down? Now obviously I am a little biased thinking that a publicist could have changed all of this for Charlie but I’ve been in this job since before Dawson’s Creek so I know what we do…..”

And the third piece of writing that I am attempting to pass off as a blog post today is everything you’ve just read. Everyone knows that always in a threesome someone gets left out, in this threesome its St. Murphy. Mia and Mrs Woog got all my love and attention today because they are hot, smart, hilarious women who inspire me.

And two glamour’s in a threesome ain’t all that bad!

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