Wonder Girls in studio with Claude Kelly

Claude Kelly gave Wonderfuls a look into the studio where he was working with the Wonder Girls.

Each of the photos reflect the member’s individual characters, as Sunye is found making a simple sweet V-pose, Sohee is found giving a respectful 90 degree bow, and Lim is found being cool and gangsta.
Claude Kelly tweeted “hey! any Wonder Girls fans out there? i’m in the studio with them NOW!!! we’ll send a crazy pic later…

Look! Me & Sun from Wonder Girls in the studio. They are dope! More pics to come… :)

Funny pic! me & Sohee of the Wonder Girls :) she’s bowing out of respect…I think lol

New pic! Me & Lim from Wonder Girls getting gangsta! lol“

Source: Claude Kelly’s Twitter (@ClaudeKelly)
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