So I have this amazing post that will shock and astound you all ready to go. But alas you don't get it today...
Two reasons, the first is there is something wrong at Blogspot who have the honour of hosting this glorious page (said tongue in cheek). Even after much clever advice from v. smart blogging people I still couldn't master the 'old' system. I had a shitload of problems with the pics. So looks like my spectacular post will now be tomorrow. A little tease, St. Murphy is branching out into fashion and will have a winter fashion spread tomorrow.
Second reason, I have the much-dreaded MAN-FLU! And it is such a bad case of man-flu I think the world may be about to end. And it is definitely that most particular strain that only men can get. Head is gonna explode, nose dripping like a tap, gravel rash on my throat. I had to call my mummy so she could make me feel better.
By the time you read this I'll be as high as a kite on over-the-counter cold & flu tablets.
Lucky I've already written my next post...
Whingey, whiney...
St. Murphy