Great News! Uganda's parliament takes no action on anti-gay bill

I like to think that we've all made a little difference today.

Lots of emailing and blogging of late about the horrid situation in Ugandan where there was the potential for a law to be introduced that could mean death penalty for homosexual acts.

Parliament wrapped up yesterday and the Bill didn't make it to a vote. While the Bill is not completely dead it now needs to start the long road all over again before it can become law, such is the way Ugandan parliament works.

Gay activist David Kato killed in January
The story of murdered Ugandan activist David Kato and the worldwide call for petition signatures are both things I've banged on about before, so it is a great relief to know that the gay community in Uganda does not live under this threat, at least for the time being. They still have unbelievable discrimination issues so they so there is still a long way to go.

To read more, here is some of the coverage today...


BBC News


Global Post (great read)

And just finally, so impressed that Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd came out in opposition to this. Very impressed that it was on his radar. Thanks Kev!

ABC News story on Rudd's condemnation of Uganda's anti-gay bill.

Thanks all.
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