Biogas power plant design and construction

 Biogas power plant design and construction

A Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas plant uses the process of biological fermentation to generate renewable electricity and heat. It ferments natural waste products and energy crops to generate green energy.
Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas plants have an important place in a sustainable energy policy. This is because they have some important advantages that other alternative forms of energy such as solar power and wind power do not have.
- Highest energy efficiency: Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas is converted in a combined heat-& power coupling (CHP), with an efficiency of 85%.
- Continuous operation: The anaerobic fermentation is a biological process that occurs continuously
- Waste: Various wet waste flows can be processed into energy
- Flexibility: Flows from different sources can be processed together
The starting point for each project is always based on the input flows that are available on-site and in the region. There are many different input flows that can be fermented:
·         Energy crops such as corn, beet, ...
·         Manure from pigs, chickens, ...
·         Organic Biological Secondary flows and products
·         Organic sludge
All organic biodegradable flows in the plant can be inserted and that a similar Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas potential without hazardous waste to be.
Fermentation in the Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas power plant
Through parallel fermenters, the Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas can be derived from the composition of input streams. The Agri-bio power plant uses wet fermentation, which means that the input flow has a minimum humidity of 40% and the reactor contents has dry matter percentage of maximum 12%.
As mentioned above, after fermentation the Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas plant generates 3 outputs(*).
Electricity: the electricity that is generated can lower or eliminate your energy bill. Excess electricity can be resold on the electricity grid. This means that a Agri-bio power plant can convert your waste into electricity!
Heat: the heat generated during the combustion of Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas can be used for use in other processes that require significant heat.
Digestate: The digestate can be transformed into pellets suitable for fertilization of the fields or energy. In this way nothing is lost and we can turn this flow into an economically valuable product.
(*) renewable CO2 is also possible, this means that the facility is eligable for CDM’s (clean development mechanisms)
Energy Alliance Agreement: innovative cooperation with benefits for both parties!
Apart from the obvious connection to the grid or the use of heat for the drying of the digestate, the En-Bio experience to draw up a so-called energy alliance. It is heat and / or electricity traded to a customer in the area, which both parties can obtain a more favorable rate.
Energy Alliance Agreement: innovative cooperation with benefits for both parties!
Apart from the obvious connection to the grid or the use of heat for the drying of the digestate, the En-Bio experience to draw up a so-called energy alliance. It is heat and / or electricity traded to a customer in the area, which both parties can obtain a more favorable rate.
Option 1: After-treatment of the digestate
After fermentation of organic material remains on a digestate. It may also be appropriate for this digestate through after-treatment into economically valuable products, by drying or crushing.
Option 2: Injection of Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas in the natural gas network
Through a filtering installation, we can upgrade the Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas so that we obtain Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas with quality comparable to natural gas.
Option 3: Biofuel expansion
For a continuous supply of electricity and / or heat to ensure is often chosen for an extension with a dual fuel engine based on PPO.
Option 4: Use of Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas in transportation vehicle
Biogas, Bio bio gas, or gobar gas can also be used as fuel for vehicles. This allows your vehicles to driving on a renewable and ecological fuel that you produce yourself!

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