Bio Gas+Solar+Wind+Electrcity Storage Advanced Technologies=Replace Thermal and Nuclear Power Plant

Bio Gas+Solar+Wind+Electrcity Storage Advanced Technologies=Replace Thermal and Nuclear Power Plant

Renewable Clean and Green Energy Resourecs-Bio Gas+Solar+Wind+Electrcity Storage Advanced Technologies=Replace Thermal and Nuclear Power Plant which are major threat to Environment

Bio Gas, Solar and Wind are Renewable; non exhaustible, clean and green energy resources, when combined with advanced Electricity Storage Devices may fully replace Thermal and Nuclear Power Plant which are major source of pollution and environmental damage, threat to ecosystem.

Renewable energy sources are clean and green source of energy but these sources are intermittent source of energy. Making renewable energy as reliable source is big challenge. Innovation, Research and Invention in field of Electricity storage devices is need of the hour. Contrary to peoples belief that electricity can’t stored there are some advanced devices already in use. Research and Invention are also taking place in the whole World which is described below.

Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) systems store energy in the magnetic field created by the flow of direct current in a superconducting coil. Superconducting Magnetic Storage Energy Systems store energy within a magnet and release it within a fraction of a cycle.

Compressed air energy storage
In compressed air energy storage, off-peak power is taken from the Grid and is used to pump air into a sealed underground cavern to a high pressure. Compressed air stored is utilized during peak hour for generation of electricity. For compression of air renewable energy sources such as solar and wind may be utilized.

Super capacitors and Ultra capacitorsSuper capacitors and Ultra capacitors are the new super battery for energy storage. Super capacitors will supply power to the system when there are surges.

Fuel CellA fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that derives its energy from combustible substances such as hydrogen, methane, propane, and methanol. A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts a source fuel into an electric current.

Making ice
Making ice during night and using it for cooling of building at day time is also good idea to store electricity. During night off peak power which is very cheap utilized to make ice and same may be utilized at peak hour which results in major savings.

Pumped Energy Storage Power Plant
Pumped energy storage Hydro Power Plant may utilize energy from biogas, solar and wind to pump water to height up to 5oo meter and gravitational energy may be utilized to generate power as per requirement by reversible Pump-Turbine set. This type of storage device may store power in huge quantity.

Other Innovations
Ammonia energy storage plant, Flywheel energy storage plant, Molten Salt solar energy, Natural and synthetic zeolite for solar energy storage are also in use and research and inventions are taking at fast pace to fulfil our future require.

Thermal and Nuclear Power Plant which are major source of pollution and environment damage may be replaced with biogas, solar and wind when energy storage devices are fully developed. Scientist and engineers must provide their innovative ideas for securing our future.
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